The Cardio Walker offers aerobic fitness and cardio benefits through a smooth striding gazelle or elliptical like motion similar to walking or jogging. Simply place hands on rails and place feet securely on foot pedals. Standing upright, alternate legs in a striding, smooth motion. Outdoor fitness park users can modify the intensity of their cardio aerobic exercise by extending or shortening the stride. Ergonomically designed handles and textured foot pedals ensure user comfort. Targets all four elements of fitness including aerobic, muscle, and core fitness, and balance/flexibility to enhance endurance and strength.
Fit Series (FS):
Standing upright, alternate legs in a striding, smooth motion
Modern design enhances the landscape
Familiar metallic and black color scheme that is similar to indoor fitness equipment
Steel construction with rust resistant coating
Heavy duty, vandal resistant housings
Surface Mounted.
Additional Notes
- Note: Safety Surfacing is required if the users feet are intended to leave the ground while operating the equipment, or if the equipment has a Fall Height. Surfacing must conform to ASTM F1292.
- Note: An additional rectangular zone measuring 30 x 48 located outside of the Clearance Zone is required for parking mobility aides while the equipment is in use.
Clearance Zone
9'-8" x 11'6"
Fall Height
Age Level
13 years & older
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